Even though it might be for the higher purpose of education. Nevertheless, simply buying a rat, just to stuff chloroform up it's nose, and watch it die, only to happily cut it open, well I just can't help but imagine if someone did it the exact thing to me. You could say that it's only a rat, but they're living breathing organisms too. Think of it this way, if you could say that it's only a rat, then someone else would not be in the wrong for saying that you're just a human.
In my perspective, animal dissection is quite equivalent to animal testing or cruelty or even abuse; And I know the whole point of all is for the advantage of mankind. When you think about it, every inhumane activity they've done is for the advantage of mankind.
Dammit, sometimes mankind is too fucking self-centered.
Note: I do not object to the practice of dissection for the purpose of education, I just dislike it very much.
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