Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Drop the apple, Adam.

Did you feel that? That lukewarm feeling gradually growing in your ribs. Which in some way, tempts you to dig, dig and pull it out, just so you would be able to feel it with your bare hands. To convince yourself and everyone else that it's real and absolute.
No, I do not mean Happiness. It seems a little fuzzier than happiness. They may be interconnected, intertwined, interdependent. But they are, in others ways, quite different. Neither is it Love, for Love is a warmer feeling inside of you that is never lost, and never found. We're getting closer. Is it Excitement then? No, Excitement is very punctual and certainly very busy. It arrives at the right moment, and leaves when the moment passes by. Never staying to grow at such leisure pace inside you.
That glow inside of you that cultivates from the bond you form and share in such unique friendships. It starts with a spark, helped by intuition, when you first meet your destined friend. And it grows into something much bigger. Bigger than both you and me. I suppose it's called Closeness.
Or somewhere along those lines.

Friday, November 5, 2010

For some other reason.

Language allows us to reach out to people, to touch them with out innermost fears, hopes, disappointments, victories. To reach out to people we'll never meet. It's the greatest legacy you could ever leave: The history of how you felt.
-Simon Van Booy

Monday, November 1, 2010

You sunk my battleship.

I will forever and always be a kid of the 90s.

Murder she wrote.

There's an attribute, you may say, or characteristic of hers that triggers an unconscious desire to seek approval from her. I, am no less a victim, no, a fool to her wiles. Now, I seek liberation.